Time tracking: Reliable solution for maintenance companies

Compliant, simple, and fast.

Easy time tracking via the app

Compliant and audit-proof

Record and calculate overtime

Automatically synchronises with jobs

Trusted by industry experts

Worldwide, leading maintenance companies trust Mainteny
to keep their business running.

Optimise your time tracking

Paperless time tracking. No lost time sheets. No manual matching.

Easy via app: Your employees track their working hours directly on their smartphones or tablets.

Automated: Working hours are synchronised directly from work orders, including overtime.

Full transparency: Working hours are digitally recorded and can be directly matched with the job.

Secure: Compliant with legal requirements and stored audit-proof.

Analysis: How many hours are booked on which systems? Which jobs have the highest hours? Everything at a glance in Mainteny.

Why Mainteny?

Mainteny’s time tracking saves you time, money, and a lot of hassle.

Faster payroll: Avoid errors in payroll with precise time tracking.

Less administrative effort: No manual matching of hours. No more chasing your engineers for timesheets.

Increased employee satisfaction: No more collecting paper. No more filling out Excel sheets.

Legal compliance: Easily meet labour law requirements for time tracking.

Let’s get started!

Discover how Mainteny’s time tracking feature can simplify your workflows and boost your company’s productivity.

schedule personal consultation